| CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. https://moshava.org/category/2016/first-session-2016/ Mon, 01 Apr 2019 03:26:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://moshava.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cropped-Moshava_logo_official_B1--32x32.png | CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. https://moshava.org/category/2016/first-session-2016/ 32 32 160891141 July 12 – Yom Shmuel https://moshava.org/july-12-yom-shmuel/ Tue, 12 Jul 2016 23:02:36 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=2812 Today we learned about the life of Shmuel HaNavi.  Check out the special album from last night’s Maccabiah presentations! Go to our video page for videos from Maccabiah and more!

This post was originally published on July 12 – Yom Shmuel on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today we learned about the life of Shmuel HaNavi.  Check out the special album from last night’s Maccabiah presentations!

Go to our video page for videos from Maccabiah and more!

This post was originally published on July 12 – Yom Shmuel on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

July 8 – Erev Shabbat https://moshava.org/july-8-erev-shabbat/ Fri, 08 Jul 2016 20:34:39 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=2769 Today was a great, busy day in camp!  We caught up with all of the Eidot all around camp.  Eidah Gimmel went ice skating today! We look forward to another wonderful Shabbat in camp together. Shabbat Shalom!

This post was originally published on July 8 – Erev Shabbat on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today was a great, busy day in camp!  We caught up with all of the Eidot all around camp.  Eidah Gimmel went ice skating today!

We look forward to another wonderful Shabbat in camp together. Shabbat Shalom!

This post was originally published on July 8 – Erev Shabbat on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

July 6 – Yom Shimshon https://moshava.org/july-6-yom-shimshon/ Wed, 06 Jul 2016 23:29:41 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=2747 Today’s educational programming featured the story of Shimshon.  Chanichim participated in an active survivor challenge game using information they learned from the Navi. Eidah Gimmel left for their chutz today and Machal sent us pictures from their hike!  

This post was originally published on July 6 – Yom Shimshon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today’s educational programming featured the story of Shimshon.  Chanichim participated in an active survivor challenge game using information they learned from the Navi.

Eidah Gimmel left for their chutz today and Machal sent us pictures from their hike!


This post was originally published on July 6 – Yom Shimshon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

July 5 – Yom Gideon https://moshava.org/july-5-yom-gideon/ Tue, 05 Jul 2016 21:32:06 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=2733 We learned the story of Gideon from the Navi today.  During a special chinuch (educational) activity, the chanichim put their knowledge of the text into action in an exciting “Survivor Challenge” game. Machal is on a trip and will be sending us pictures of their…

This post was originally published on July 5 – Yom Gideon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


We learned the story of Gideon from the Navi today.  During a special chinuch (educational) activity, the chanichim put their knowledge of the text into action in an exciting “Survivor Challenge” game.

Machal is on a trip and will be sending us pictures of their fun adventures soon. Check back tomorrow for more Machal photos!

This post was originally published on July 5 – Yom Gideon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

July 4 – Yom Devorah https://moshava.org/july-4-yom-devorah/ Mon, 04 Jul 2016 21:49:58 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=2720 Today, Eidah Daled left for their machane chutz (overnight) and we welcomed the delegation from the Israeli Elitzur basketball team.  Elitzur is the Israeli Religious Sports Association and their high school team is spending the week in camp with us.

This post was originally published on July 4 – Yom Devorah on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today, Eidah Daled left for their machane chutz (overnight) and we welcomed the delegation from the Israeli Elitzur basketball team.  Elitzur is the Israeli Religious Sports Association and their high school team is spending the week in camp with us.

This post was originally published on July 4 – Yom Devorah on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

July 3 – Yom Pesach Rishon https://moshava.org/july-3-yom-pesach-rishon/ Sun, 03 Jul 2016 21:42:24 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=2705 Pesach in July!!! Am Yisrael entered Eretz Yisrael and they celebrate their first holiday, Pesach, in Eretz Yisrael! Today the chanichim experienced Pesach in camp and the excitement that Am Yisrael felt as they joyously celebrated this holiday together in Eretz Yisrael. Scroll down to…

This post was originally published on July 3 – Yom Pesach Rishon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Pesach in July!!! Am Yisrael entered Eretz Yisrael and they celebrate their first holiday, Pesach, in Eretz Yisrael! Today the chanichim experienced Pesach in camp and the excitement that Am Yisrael felt as they joyously celebrated this holiday together in Eretz Yisrael. Scroll down to see a special album of our Pesach seder at lunch today.

Also scroll down for a special album of Friday’s Mifkad, our weekly pre-Shabbat gathering, which is a highlight of every week at Camp Moshava!

This post was originally published on July 3 – Yom Pesach Rishon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

July 1 Erev Shabbat https://moshava.org/july-1-erev-shabbat/ Fri, 01 Jul 2016 20:51:44 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=2682 Last night’s Opening Tochnit was amazing!  The program featured a very entertaining trivia game show with two teams: Biblical characters vs. Modern Israeli leaders. The highlights were the Shelet Aish (Fire Sign), Fireworks and the Opening Movie. Click here to see the movie. Machal was out…

This post was originally published on July 1 Erev Shabbat on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Last night’s Opening Tochnit was amazing!  The program featured a very entertaining trivia game show with two teams: Biblical characters vs. Modern Israeli leaders. The highlights were the Shelet Aish (Fire Sign), Fireworks and the Opening Movie. Click here to see the movie.

Machal was out on their first hike of the summer today. We try our best to capture their activities in camp, and get pictures from them while they are out.  Check back next week for more pictures!

Shabbat Shalom from camp!

This post was originally published on July 1 Erev Shabbat on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

June 30 – Yom Mei HaYarden https://moshava.org/june-30-yom-mei-hayarden/ Thu, 30 Jun 2016 22:43:35 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=2664 In this summer’s noseh chinuchi, Moshevet Netzach Yisrael, our chanichim will experience a journey through time, from Yehoshua to Shlomo Hamelech. We will build up the land with Yehoshua, explore different models of leadership, meet famous personalities such as the dynamic David Hamelech and the…

This post was originally published on June 30 – Yom Mei HaYarden on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


In this summer’s noseh chinuchi, Moshevet Netzach Yisrael, our chanichim will experience a journey through time, from Yehoshua to Shlomo Hamelech. We will build up the land with Yehoshua, explore different models of leadership, meet famous personalities such as the dynamic David Hamelech and the wise Shlomo Hamelech and more! Our chanichim will explore the lessons from these Tanach stories, understand the values that each of these personalities embody, as well as understand how these stories apply to our lives in modern Israel. We look forward to a fun and educational summer! See below to find out what each Eidah was doing around camp today.

This post was originally published on June 30 – Yom Mei HaYarden on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Bruchim HaBaim 2016 – Moshevet Netzach Yisrael! https://moshava.org/bruchim-habaim-2016-moshevet-netzach-yisrael/ Thu, 30 Jun 2016 01:10:05 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=2655 Welcome! The website team works hard to show you a variety of activities in camp. Click on the image on the right hand side of the description. This opens up all of the pictures in that album.  You can click on the pictures to view…

This post was originally published on Bruchim HaBaim 2016 – Moshevet Netzach Yisrael! on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Welcome! The website team works hard to show you a variety of activities in camp. Click on the image on the right hand side of the description. This opens up all of the pictures in that album.  You can click on the pictures to view them in a larger size.

We look forward to bringing you many wonderful pictures throughout the month!

This post was originally published on Bruchim HaBaim 2016 – Moshevet Netzach Yisrael! on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -
