| CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. https://moshava.org/category/archive/ Wed, 03 Jul 2024 20:16:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://moshava.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cropped-Moshava_logo_official_B1--32x32.png | CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. https://moshava.org/category/archive/ 32 32 160891141 Session 2 Recap https://moshava.org/session-2-highlights/ Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:17:17 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=17572 This post was originally published on Session 2 Recap on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


This post was originally published on Session 2 Recap on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Shabbat Shalom! https://moshava.org/shabbat-shalom-11/ Fri, 18 Aug 2023 19:04:42 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=17490 This post was originally published on Shabbat Shalom! on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Is our last full day of activities and everyone is in camp having fun! we are all looking forward to spending shabbat together. before we go home. Shabbat Shalom!


This post was originally published on Shabbat Shalom! on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Session 2 Week 4 https://moshava.org/session-2-week-4/ Fri, 18 Aug 2023 19:03:11 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=17563 This post was originally published on Session 2 Week 4 on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


This post was originally published on Session 2 Week 4 on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Yom Gibbushon https://moshava.org/yom-gibbushon-3/ Thu, 17 Aug 2023 23:00:57 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=17444 This post was originally published on Yom Gibbushon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today is Gibbushon! Each Eidah has their own team name which is also a Shevet of Bnei Akiva. They each represent a time period in Israel’s history and celebrate the highlights of those years in various fields. The chanichim will compete throughout the day while learning about momentous events, important people and successes in Israel’s history. 


This post was originally published on Yom Gibbushon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Daled Play Highlights https://moshava.org/daled-play-highlights/ Thu, 17 Aug 2023 19:04:49 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=17565 This post was originally published on Daled Play Highlights on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


This post was originally published on Daled Play Highlights on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Yom Omanut Yisraelit https://moshava.org/yom-omanut-yisraelit/ Wed, 16 Aug 2023 20:40:25 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=17403 This post was originally published on Yom Omanut Yisraelit on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today is Yom Omanut Yisraelit! In honor of Israel’s arts and culture we are having our annual Daled Play. The play is loosely based on The Sound of Music, and has a Moshava IO twist.  Aviva leaves her Kiddutz in Israel to be a madricha at a new B’nei Akiva camp in the United States. But when she gets there, her lively personality clashes with the Rosh Moshava’s military style. Is there any way Aviva and Mifaked Yosi can see eye to eye? Join Eidah Daled for a story about leadership, friendship and of course … the sound of music.


This post was originally published on Yom Omanut Yisraelit on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Yom Maccabiah https://moshava.org/yom-maccabiah/ Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:58:43 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=17351 This post was originally published on Yom Maccabiah on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today was Yom Maccabiah! We spoke about Israeli sports and specifically the “Jewish Olympics” – the Maccabiah games. The chanichim learned about Tal Brody and heard his story. They gained an insight into what it means to be an athlete representing Israel. They learned from Tal Brody about perseverance, hard work and determination. Then the chanichim played our very own Camp Moshava version of “Top Trumps Match” highlighting different aspects of Tal Brody’s inspiring story.


This post was originally published on Yom Maccabiah on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Yom Yisraeli Sports https://moshava.org/yom-yisraeli-sports/ Mon, 14 Aug 2023 22:30:06 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=17296 This post was originally published on Yom Yisraeli Sports on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today was Yom Israeli Sport! Eidah Hey reviewed Israel’s greatest moments in sport, including their Olympic medals, the success of the Israeli baseball team in the 2020 Olympics, the Israel national under-19 soccer team’s success in the 2023 FIFA U-20 World Cup, and more! To highlight these moments, they played a wacky game of hoop-hat basketball as well as rock-paper-scissors baseball.

This post was originally published on Yom Yisraeli Sports on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Moshava Marathon https://moshava.org/moshava-marathon/ Sun, 13 Aug 2023 21:32:31 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=17260 This post was originally published on Moshava Marathon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today was Marathon day! The Moshava Marathon was in Memory of Avi Levinson z”l. Avi was a professional marathon runner. The first decade of his life was very difficult. Then at the age of 11, he was adopted by Yoni and Milty Levinson and their sons. From that day, he continued to run….He ran with his dreams. His greatest dream was to have a family and when he got that, he kept running with the dream. He later married and had a beautiful family. The message of this year’s marathon was RUN WITH YOUR DREAMS… Each chanich/a wrote their dreams on small cards before the run and ran with their dreams. Like Avi, they should continuously strive to reach new heights. May these life lessons of Avi be an inspiration to all our campers.


This post was originally published on Moshava Marathon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Session 2 Week 3 https://moshava.org/session-2-week-3/ Fri, 11 Aug 2023 19:01:50 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=17561 This post was originally published on Session 2 Week 3 on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


This post was originally published on Session 2 Week 3 on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -
