| CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. https://moshava.org/category/eidah/ Mon, 01 Apr 2019 03:25:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://moshava.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cropped-Moshava_logo_official_B1--32x32.png | CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. https://moshava.org/category/eidah/ 32 32 160891141 July 15 – Iraq, Iran, Morocco and Yemen – Day 2 https://moshava.org/july-15-iraq-iran-morocco-and-yemen-day-2/ Wed, 15 Jul 2015 19:05:09 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=1944 Eidot Hey and Aleph ruled the camp today. They were the only ones here – Eidot Bet, Gimmel, Daled and Machal were all on trips.

This post was originally published on July 15 – Iraq, Iran, Morocco and Yemen – Day 2 on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Eidot Hey and Aleph ruled the camp today. They were the only ones here – Eidot Bet, Gimmel, Daled and Machal were all on trips.

This post was originally published on July 15 – Iraq, Iran, Morocco and Yemen – Day 2 on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Remember Last Summer… https://moshava.org/remember-last-summer/ Tue, 03 Jun 2014 08:28:11 +0000 https://staging.moshava.org/?p=775 Camp is getting closer! It’s time to remember all of the fun that we had last summer and get ready for an even better summer this year! Here are some pictures to help jog your memories of First Session 2013.

This post was originally published on Remember Last Summer… on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Camp is getting closer! It’s time to remember all of the fun that we had last summer and get ready for an even better summer this year! Here are some pictures to help jog your memories of First Session 2013.

This post was originally published on Remember Last Summer… on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -
