| CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. https://moshava.org/category/uncategorized/ Fri, 16 Aug 2024 21:34:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://moshava.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cropped-Moshava_logo_official_B1--32x32.png | CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. https://moshava.org/category/uncategorized/ 32 32 160891141 Shabbat Medina https://moshava.org/shabbat-medina-2/ Fri, 16 Aug 2024 21:34:21 +0000 https://moshava.org/?p=21681 This post was originally published on Shabbat Medina on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


This summer’s theme is Moshevet Achim. Achim means unity and represents the unity the nation felt this past year. Achim is also an acronym. The Mem in Achim stands for Medina. This week will represent the modern State of Israel and the fusion of all three of the earlier principles, Achrayut, Chessed/Chevra and Yesodot.


This post was originally published on Shabbat Medina on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Tisha B’Av https://moshava.org/tisha-bav-5/ Tue, 13 Aug 2024 23:59:30 +0000 https://moshava.org/?p=21562 This post was originally published on Tisha B’Av on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today we had a meaningful Tisha B’Av. Each eidah had programs related to the day and included messages of achdut, ahavat chinam, Tikva in the Future of Am Yisrael and the rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash and more.




This post was originally published on Tisha B’Av on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Yom Tzva Ha’am https://moshava.org/yom-tzva-haam-2/ Mon, 05 Aug 2024 02:35:34 +0000 https://moshava.org/?p=21020 This post was originally published on Yom Tzva Ha’am on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today was Yom Tzva Ha’am. Eidah Bet learned about the special units in the IDf, including 8200, Shayetet 13 and Oketz. They were given a mission-they had to use their creativity, thinking skills and teamwork to complete the task, to unlock their box and raise the flag.


This post was originally published on Yom Tzva Ha’am on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Gibbushon https://moshava.org/gibbushon-4/ Fri, 02 Aug 2024 00:13:16 +0000 https://moshava.org/?p=20880 This post was originally published on Gibbushon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today was Gibbushon! Each team got a team name related to the theme of the summer. Teams Oz, Medina, Hineni, Amiad and Dorot battled it in sports competition, daglanut, theme song and more! Stay tuned for the winners!


This post was originally published on Gibbushon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Yom Chaklaut https://moshava.org/yom-chaklaut/ Tue, 30 Jul 2024 22:45:00 +0000 https://moshava.org/?p=20717 This post was originally published on Yom Chaklaut on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today was Yom Chaklaut. Eidah Hey learned about how most of the vegetables in Israel are grown in the Negev, and specifically the area of Otef Aza. They also heard about how after October 7th, thousands of volunteers reached out to help farmers in need. The chanichim then made planters for their bunks.


This post was originally published on Yom Chaklaut on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Shabbat Achrayut https://moshava.org/shabbat-achrayut-2/ Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:41:19 +0000 https://moshava.org/?p=20414 This post was originally published on Shabbat Achrayut on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


This summer’s theme is Moshevet Achim. Achim means unity and represents the unity the nation felt this past year. Achim is also an acronym. The aleph stands for אחריות or responsibility. This weekend, the chanichim will hear all about how Am Yisrael took initiative and responsibility for all that needed to be done.


This post was originally published on Shabbat Achrayut on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Yom Hatkuma https://moshava.org/yom-hatkuma/ Thu, 18 Jul 2024 23:58:13 +0000 https://moshava.org/?p=20208 This post was originally published on Yom Hatkuma on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today Eidah Bet learned about the Be’eri Printing Press and how central it is to Kibbutz Be’eri and to the State of Israel. They understood that after the events of October 7th,  Dfus Be’eri became a symbol of strength and hope in difficult times. In the spirit of the printing press, the chanichim learned how to make their own paper from recycled paper, and in spirit of the photobooks made in the dfus, the chanichim got to take a snapshot of their time in our Dfus Be’eri.


This post was originally published on Yom Hatkuma on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Gibbushon https://moshava.org/gibbushon-3/ Tue, 16 Jul 2024 02:07:06 +0000 https://moshava.org/?p=20073 This post was originally published on Gibbushon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today was Gibbushon! Each team got a team name related to the theme of the summer. Team Reut, Otzma, Nedivut, Netzach and Zechut battled it out for the title. Stay tuned for the winners!


This post was originally published on Gibbushon on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Yom Kibbutzim Part 2 https://moshava.org/yom-kibbutzim-part-2/ Mon, 08 Jul 2024 21:24:11 +0000 https://moshava.org/?p=19762 This post was originally published on Yom Kibbutzim Part 2 on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today, Eidah Hey visited our Kibbutz Fair. They learned about 5 kibbutzim in the Western Negev and how each of them contribute to the Israeli economy and agriculture. At Kibbutz Sa’ad, they enjoyed popcorn while hearing about Popli, the popcorn factory. At Kibbutz Alumim, they heard about their massive chicken coop and its contribution to the country. Then they moved on to Kibbutz Yad Mordechai where honey and olive oil are made. At Kibbutz Zikim, while learning about the avocados that are grown there, they made nachos. At their last stop, the chanichim heard about the juicers made in Kibbutz Holit and made freshly squeezed juice. It was a great day!


This post was originally published on Yom Kibbutzim Part 2 on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -

Yom Kibbutzim https://moshava.org/yom-kibbutzim/ Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:27:12 +0000 https://moshava.org/?p=19708 This post was originally published on Yom Kibbutzim on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -


Today is Yom Kibbutzim. Eidah Daled learned all about the establishment of the southern kibbutzim and how since their inception they have been an integral part of Israel’s economy and agriculture. The chanichim “visited” five kibbutzim and learned about their history, major exports and industries. 

This post was originally published on Yom Kibbutzim on CAMP MOSHAVA I.O..- CAMP MOSHAVA I.O. -
