Visiting Day at Moshava IO

A New Approach – 3 year cycle

Visiting Day at camp presents an interesting set of challenges for parents, camp and our campers.

On the one hand, it is a great day for camp. Parents and visitors have a chance to see camp at its best – great facility, happy campers and a chance to meet our staff that make such a profound difference in the life of their campers. Families make a significant investment in the education and development of their children and would like to see Moshava in action as well as visit their children.

On the other hand, it does often create significant angst for children that had serious difficulties acclimating to an environment away from home. Seeing family is wonderful. Leaving at the end of the day can be a true setback for many children who finally acclimated, are having a great time in camp, loved seeing family and spending the day together and now have to say goodbye again. In addition, families that live far from camp feel pressure to attend Visiting Day despite the 10+ hours of roundtrip travel for them. Finally, most campers attend a single session (28 days). A Visiting Day does impact a full day of activities for the campers.

Therefore, we have decided to experiment with the following format:

2024 – We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a formal visiting day during our First Session of Kayitz 2024. Visiting Day will take place on Sunday July 14, 2024 (There will not be a Visiting Day second session, 2024).

2025 – We will schedule a Visiting Day during the second session only.

2026 – We will schedule a Visiting Time for full season campers only on Packing Day.

Camp Office

245 Navajo Road
Honesdale, PA 18431

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