Kayitz 2024: Moshevet Achim
מושבת אחים
Our theme this summer in Machane, with the backdrop of this past year, will be Moshevet “Achim”. Achim represents the achdut that Am Yisrael experienced this year. Achim is also an acronym for אחריות (responsibility), חסד וחברה (Chessed and our Society), יסודות (Foundations) and מדינת ישראל.
We will learn about Am Yisrael: a nation that took initiative and showed responsibility, that connected to our foundations and our incredible homeland, Medinat Yisrael.
Moshevet Achim Kayitz 2024 Videos
Kayitz 2023: Moshevet Hamedina
מושבת המדינה
This summer we will be celebrating Israel’s 75th birthday! We will explore how the country looked and felt 75 years ago and understand how far we have come in such a short amount of time. We will learn about all of the different elements that make up our modern Jewish country, as well as meet important people who contributed to Eretz Yisrael. Our chanichim will celebrate the amazing Jewish country that we have today.
Moshevet Hamedina Kayitz 2023 Videos
Kayitz 2022: Moshevet Yerushalayim
מושבת ירושלים
Every kayitz, at Camp Moshava, we have an Israel-related them that is incorporated throughout many activities and aspects of camp. This kayitz, our theme which we will be celebrating, is Moshevet Yerushalayim. Yerushalayim is the city which reflects in its stones, hills, architecture, and stories the history of the Jewish People. The chanichim will experience the beginning of the development of Yerushalayim in the late 1800’s, the despair of Yerushalayim after 1948, the miracles of 1967, and of course, the ever-changing modern city of today. The understanding that Yerushalayim is the center of the Jewish people will be emphasized and strengthened throughout the kayitz for the Chanichim.
Moshevet Yerushalayim Kayitz 2022 Videos
Kayitz 2021: Moshevet Hitorerut
מושבת התעוררות

For thousands of years returning to our homeland was a dream, something we yearned, prayed and believed in despite the years, pain and suffering. For some, dreaming wasn’t enough. They stood up and dedicated their lives to the awakening of our people and attainment of our dream.
The stories of those who worked hard, dedicated their lives to build our country and ensured that we would have a Jewish state are the roots of the strong and successful country we have today. For those who first dared to turn a dream into reality the country they encountered was vastly different then the Israel we know today- The leader in technology, defense, and the center of Torah study. In learning these stories, we can understand how our country began and how far we have come.
This kayitz, the chanichim will be learning about Eretz Yisrael from the First aliyot in the 1880’s until the declaration of Independence in 1948. This period truly reflects the optimism, passion and excitement of building a new state along with the tensions and struggles that came with it.
The chanichim will become familiar with this era and the different events that changed the course of our people. They will get to know personalities like Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook, Chaim Nachman Bialik, Theodor Herzl, Henrietta Szold and more.
We will explore the struggles involved with returning home after two thousand years, the triumph of rejuvenating a language once relegated to the halls of study and history and we will celebrate in the development and implementation of Torah commandments that for so long were only taught about but could now be fulfilled.
Hitorerut – is an awakening. Through exploring these stories and personalities our chanichim will gain an understanding of how commitment, dedication and hard work pay off and how the work that these early settlers did laid the foundation of our modern Jewish State.
Where once a lone Migdal Vchoma stood, now a city has flourished. Fields of dirt and dust now yield crops that feed a country. What was once a dream of a scattered people, is a reality that welcomes us home.
Moshevet Hitorerut Kayitz 2021 Videos
Kayitz 2020: Mobile Mosh

Kayitz 2019: Shvil Yisrael שביל ישראל
This kayitz, the chanichim will “travel” the Shvil Yisrael around Israel. From the bustling modern cities of Tel Aviv, Haifa and Be’er Sheva, to the ancient cities of Tzfat, Yerushalayim and Caesarea, from the hilltops of the Golan, to the sandy beaches of Eilat, Israel is an experience in all of its glory. In each place, the chanichim will hear the stories of those who lived their years before, connect with our biblical roots from that location, understand its modern importance and explore the nature of the entire region.
Through experiencing this noseh, the chanichim will feel closer to our land, and ultimately understand how Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and Torat Yisrael are inherently connected.
Moshevet Shvil Yisrael 2019 Videos: Postcards From the Shvil