The Rabbi Abraham and Leona Mandelbaum z”l Scholarship Fund

The Rabbi Abraham and Leona Mandelbaum z”l Scholarship Fund was established in October 2020 by their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and Camp Moshava to honor their memory. Steadfast supporters of Camp Moshava, its mission and values, Rabbi and Mrs. Mandelbaum staunchly advocated on behalf of Am Yisrael, B’eretz Yisrael, living a life of Torat Yisrael.

The Mandelbaums were caring, outspoken people who influenced countless lives. Rabbi Mandelbaum was a man of wisdom and spirituality, positively impacting everyone he encountered, always with a smile on his face. Mrs. Mandelbaum was always ready to offer a word of advice, a helping hand, and an open home to those in need. Rabbi and Mrs. Mandelbaum lived lives dedicated to tzionut, to kindness, to standing up for those in need, and to family.

This scholarship fund hopes to ensure their legacy and to offer children the same, meaningful experiences in camp that their own family has been privileged to have.

The Forward Together 2023 Matching Grant program is made possible through JCamp 180®, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.

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245 Navajo Road
Honesdale, PA 18431

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