Moshava IO Annual Fundraiser

Join us in MOSHing IT FORWARD! Give back to the camp that gave generations of Chanichim and Tzevet so much!!!

Our goal is to raise $360,000 in just 18 days! All donations are matched 1:1, so your gift has 2X’s THE IMPACT. All contributions go directly to the Mandelbaum Scholarship Fund to help to ensure that as many children as possible get to experience the Magic of Moshava in camp and beyond.

The Mandelbaum Scholarship Fund was named to honor the memory of Rabbi and Mrs. Mandelbaum z”l. They were great examples of MOSHing It Forward. The Mandelbaums, Channah Spiegelman’s parents, were steadfast supporters of Camp Moshava, its mission and values. Rabbi and Mrs. Mandelbaum staunchly advocated on behalf of Am Yisrael, B’eretz Yisrael, living a life of Torat Yisrael.

Help to ensure that as many children as possible get to experience the Magic of Moshava in camp and beyond…DONATE TODAY!

Every dollar you donate will go even farther thanks to the JCamp 180® matching grant program. The All Together Now Matching Grant program is made possible through JCamp 180®, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.

This means that for every $100 donated, another $50 will be given to us by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. A 2:1 match!

$415,624 of $360,000 raised
$415,624 of $360,000 raised

Join us in MOSHing IT FORWARD! Give back to the camp that gave generations of Chanichim and Tzevet so much!!!

Our goal is to raise $360,000 in just 18 days! All donations are matched 1:1, so your gift has 2X’s THE IMPACT. All contributions go directly to the Mandelbaum Scholarship Fund to help to ensure that as many children as possible get to experience the Magic of Moshava in camp and beyond.

The Mandelbaum Scholarship Fund was named to honor the memory of Rabbi and Mrs. Mandelbaum z”l. They were great examples of MOSHing It Forward. The Mandelbaums, Channah Spiegelman’s parents, were steadfast supporters of Camp Moshava, its mission and values. Rabbi and Mrs. Mandelbaum staunchly advocated on behalf of Am Yisrael, B’eretz Yisrael, living a life of Torat Yisrael.

Help to ensure that as many children as possible get to experience the Magic of Moshava in camp and beyond…DONATE TODAY!

Every dollar you donate will go even farther thanks to the JCamp 180® matching grant program. The All Together Now Matching Grant program is made possible through JCamp 180®, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.

This means that for every $100 donated, another $50 will be given to us by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. A 2:1 match!

How You Can Help…

A Day at Moshava


A Week at Moshava


A Month at Moshava




Amount Donated

Dora Haar

In honor of Ariella Herman and the sports staff who are taking such good care of Evie this month!

Amount Donated

Wayne Yaffee

Amount Donated

Tali and Yossi Zimilover

Amount Donated

Shari Bursztyn


Amount Donated

Avrum Spiegelman

We had a great time visiting camp yesterday and today. It was beautiful to see how much the camp has grown and how well the camp is being run.

Amount Donated

Irit Tratt

Amount Donated

Deborah Aschheim

In honor of Alan Silverman who will be making David Weiss very happy.

Amount Donated

Jenny & Robbie Sassoon

In honor of our dear friends Alan Silverman & Channah Spiegelman

Amount Donated

Avi Kestenbaum

Amount Donated

avi elishis

I love this place

Amount Donated

Varda Dinur

Amount Donated

Camp Office

245 Navajo Road
Honesdale, PA 18431

All Rights Reserved.
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