Opening Tochnit

Last night, we had a fantastic opening tochnit that introduced our theme for the summer, Moshever Hitorerut. The chanichim were divided by eidah to play “Deal or No Deal: Moshevet Hitorerut Style. They met Shoshana the Hagana member and Yehoshua the Kibbutznik who battled it out to win money for their cause. Throughout the game, they were offered  an offer from the banker, Baron Rothschild, and had to make a choice of whether to take the deal or not. In the second part of the night, the entire camp came together in our archery field. Channah introduced the theme of the summer and our opening video was shown. Then,  our “Shelet Esh” (a sign made of fire) was lit up and the words “Moshevet Hitorerut” were seen by all. The night ended with fireworks and dancing. It was a great beginning to what is sure to be an exciting and educational summer.


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