Yom Kibbutz Galuyot

Eidot Hey and Aleph had a special shiur today. They learned about the halachot involving wool from sheep. After learning the halachot with their shiur teachers they went down to Teva where Judy Brenner, our Teva instructor gave the a demonstration using wool from Shawna the sheep.

Eidot bet, gimmel and daled were all out of camp today. Come back tomorrow for pictures of them.

Nave’s Brit Milah

Mazal tov to the Maimon family who shared their simchah with us by having the brit milah of their son at camp yesterday afternoon.

Kaytana and Eidah Hey

Kaytana and eidah hey left for their schmutz today. We were able to get some pictures of them as they were leaving.

Eidah Hey Shiur

Eidah Aleph Shiur

Eidah Aleph

Eidah aleph boys had a special peulah today. They learned about sports in Israel. They learned that Israel  has won 9 Olympic medals and they learned about some off the Israeli athletes who won them. They also learned about the Maccabiah games and participated in a series of challenges in their own Atzmaut games. We saw the girls at mab, galgalone and chavaya Yisraelit.


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