Yom Tzahal 3

Moshava Ba’Ir
We are so happy when Moshava Ba’Ir joins us. We love seeing their smiling faces around camp.

Eidah Hey
Eidah Hey boys couldn’t get enough of our lake toys today while the girls showed off their athleticism at beach volleyball, soccer, and kickball.

Eidah Aleph
Nothing is more exciting than a day filled with Peulot such as Drama, Melechet yad, Archery, Soccer, and Football. Nothing accept knowing that tomorrow will be just as fun!

Eidah Bet
Eidah Bet went roller skating out of camp today. Unfortunately we don’t have any pictures.

Eidah Gimmel
Today the eidah gimmel had a special peulah where they learned about tzahal. They learned about the values of the IDF, about military technology,  about different units and what the different color berets stand for as well as many other things. The highlight of the program was meeting a soldier and learning some training techniques. They also talked about  special projects that tzahal has. One of which has to do with people with disabilities who want to volunteer in the army.

Eidah Daled
Eidah Daled was caught getting wet and wild in the lake and on our on slip n’ slide! Other bunks enjoyed hitting the target at archery and tearing up the soccer field all chalking up to another fun day at camp!

Machal is back in camp today. We found them all over camp enjoying many different peulot. Thank you, Shloime, for taking picture on their Bear Mountain hike.

Camp Candids

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Honesdale, PA 18431

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