Do you know all the gates of the Old City? Today, the chanichim will learn about the different gates of the Old City, what they looked like, where there are geographically located, and specifically which ones were relevant to our modern Zionist history.
Trip Day for Eidah Hey and Daled boys!
Trip Day! Eidah Hey went to Have-a-Hoot and the movies today!
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Kroll’s shiur bunk B6 on learning all the names of the 24 books of Tanach by heart! Rafi Engelhart’s B4 shiur built a beautiful Lego replica of the Beit HaMikdash!
Mazal Tov to Alex on your Bat Mitzvah!
Eidah Gimmel had a fantastic day!
The boys went Kayaking today and the girls had a basketball clinic with the visiting Israeli Elitzur team.
Pictures of Yom Chessed from the animal shelter and Honesdale Jewish cemetery.