Dear Parents,

In anticipation of Monday’s solar eclipse, we wanted to share with you what we have planned for camp in order to ensure the safety and well-being of all our campers.

Months ago, camp ordered NASA-approved eclipse-viewing sunglasses for every person in camp. We confirmed with numerous experts that the glasses were completely safe for viewing the eclipse, and we initially planned to give them out to campers on Monday. However, public health officials are now recommending that camps and schools keep all children indoors for the duration of three-hour period surrounding the eclipse. They have advised us that, due to reduced sun glare during this period, children may be more likely to look up at the sun for unsafe periods of time. Additionally, those children who know about the eclipse may be tempted to look at the sun to see the eclipse for unsafe periods of time. Because the NASA glasses are extremely opaque, children will not be able to safely walk around camp wearing them, and without the glasses, looking up at the sun even for a very short period of time can cause permanent eye damage.

For all of the above reasons, we have decided that, in order to ensure optimal safety for all of our campers, following packing in the morning, we will be bringing all campers and counselors to the local Honesdale movie theater for the duration of the eclipse period. Campers will be treated to a movie, and our chinuch staff will be providing educational programming about the eclipse as well. We will still be giving all campers and staff eclipse-viewing sunglasses as a souvenir and showing them the eclipse on the movie screen within the theater.

We look forward to a fun and educational “Yom Likui (Eclipse)” at camp!



Alan Silverman

Camp Moshava

Camp Office

245 Navajo Road
Honesdale, PA 18431

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