We said goodbye to Mini Mosh this morning. They had a great time here in camp.
It’s a beautiful day and everyone is having fun.
Kaytana had a great day today. We saw them at archery, playing beach volleyball and fishing at Teva.
Eidah Hey had a great day in camp today. We found them at activities such as Zumba and Taboon and learning about bubbles at the Mab.
Eidah Aleph went on their chutz today. We were able to get a few pictures of them as they were preparing lunch.
Eidah Bet had a lot of fun today. Some of our Eidah Bet chanichim are participating in our chidon Tanach. We found them learning together.
Eidah Gimmel went to Six Flags today. Sorry, no pictures.
Eidah Daled had a great day at peulot all over camp today.
Machal is returning from Canada tonight. I just received a few pictures to share with you.