Yom Yishuv HaAretz

Today the chanichim of Eidah Hey  continued to learn about the people who dreamed of making aliyah. They learned about the Strauss (dairy company) and Fromenchenko families (Elite Chocolate) who made aliyah and successfully built their companies from nothing into successful and well known businesses. To honor the Strauss and Fromenchenko families, they made chocolate bowls and ice cream in a bag.

Eidah Bet went on a rafting trip and this afternoon Eidah Aleph went to “Have a Hoot.”  They all had a great time.

Eidah Daled has been working very hard getting ready for their play. The actors are practicing their parts and the other chanichim are helping with things like costumes sets and lighting.

We said goodbye to Kaytana today. They had a lot of fun in camp and we will all miss seeing them around.

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Honesdale, PA 18431

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