What an amazing month we have had! Moshevet Yerushalayim has been a fun and educational journey! We don’t say goodbye, but rather “Lehitraot”… see you next summer! FINAL MIFKAD Our final Mifkad of the month celebrated everything we have learned this month in Moshevet Yerushalayim!…
This month, we started a new Tefila initiative in each Eidah. Chanichim broke into small groups with Madrichim to discuss ideas and connect to Tefila in new ways. In our Candids album you can see pictures of Eidah Aleph Tefila in action. We are sad…
Our last full day of peulot for the session and we had an amazing, fun sunny day! EIDAH HEY Eidah Hey had a great time on their Shmutz yesterday before the storm came. EIDAH ALEPH Drama, Taboon, Archery and more! EIDAH BET Basketball championships, Low…
This week chanichim get to experience Machane Yehuda through a hands-on Chinuch peulah exploration of the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the Shuk! EIDAH HEY We caught Eidah Hey right as they we about to hike out to their Shmutz! EIDAH ALEPH Eidah Aleph…
This week chanichim get to experience Machane Yehuda through a hands-on Chinuch peulah exploration of the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the Shuk! EIDAH HEY Eidah Hey had an amazing day today! EIDAH ALEPH Having a blast on their Shmutz! EIDAH BET Trip Day!…
Gibbushon was a blast… a great time was had by all! Congratulations to the winners: Eidah Bet! Check out all the Gibbushon videos on our VIDEO page! MORE GIBBUSHON GIBBUSHON PRESENTATIONS It was a close competition and everyone had a fantastic time! EIDAH HEY We caught…
Today we had an amazing Gibbushon! “Gibbush” means bonding, so each Eidah came closer together by being one united team. Each Eidah got a different color: Eidah Hey – Red, Eidah Aleph – Purple, Eidah Bet – Green, Eidah Gimmel – Yellow, Eidah Daled –…
We had a fantastic day seeing all the families up at camp! A beautiful sunny day with so many smiling faces! Thanks for coming to camp to spend the day with us! VISITING DAY 1 VISITING DAY 2 FRIDAY MIFKAD
We had another fun Friday in camp! Did you know we have an Escape Room Chinuch peulah?! Our chanichim challenge themselves to experience Yerushalayim by unlocking the hidden secrets of the past. Shabbat Shalom from camp! EIDAH HEY Eidah Hey had a fun day of…
Today we had multi-sport intercamps with Lavi, Morasha, Mesorah, Nesher, and Seneca Lake. Each Eidah went to a different camp. We hosted Eidah Hey age campers from the other camps. Everyone had a fun time! EIDAH HEY GIRLS EIDAH HEY BOYS CAMP CANDIDS To view…
Do you know all the gates of the Old City? Today, the chanichim will learn about the different gates of the Old City, what they looked like, where there are geographically located, and specifically which ones were relevant to our modern Zionist history. Trip Day…
We had a very meaningful fast with educational programming throughout the day. EIDAH HEY Eidah Hey had a dramatic role-play program called “Moments That Define Us” dealing with decisions. They also had a peulah where chanichim wrote nice things about other people in their bunk. EIDAH ALEPH…
Eidah Aleph went to Dorney Park today and Eidah Bet is still having a fantastic time on their Chutz! EIDAH HEY Eidah Hey had an amazing day! EIDAH ALEPH Trip Day! We caught Eidah Aleph on their way out to Dorney Park! EIDAH BET Eidah…
Shabbat was incredible with new creative educational programming throughout the day! We had an amazing day in camp today! FRIDAY MIFKAD Somehow when it rains on a Friday, the sun manages to come out just in time for a beautiful Mifkad! EIDAH HEY We found…
Today was another fun-filled Friday! A little rain in the morning did not stop us from having an amazing day. EIDAH HEY Eidah Hey had a fantastic time at Teva, Drama, Archery and more! EIDAH ALEPH The boys had fun at Beach Volleyball, Gaga and…
Today chanichim learned about the significant battles in the Six-Day War, specifically the battle at Givat Hatchmoshet and its strategic importance. We also discovered more about the war itself and ultimately of the recapturing of the Old City, Har Habayit and the Kotel. EIDAH HEY…
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be sure to check the last album of each day for more fun candid pictures of our day. This album will have a variety of pictures and is NOT organized by Eidah. Enjoy! Also, we have a link at the bottom of…
During 1948, the city of Jerusalem was under siege. Today we learned how Mickey Marcus and his troops cleared a makeshift winding bypass road, around the main road to Jerusalem. This opened up the besieged city to aid, food and supplies. Today, chanichim had a…
We have been learning about Moshe Montefiore in our Jerusalem Museum and other fun educational activities. He was instrumental in encouraging the Jews of the Old City to move to the New City in the late 1800s. EIDAH HEY The girls had a blast at…
We had a wonderful first Shabbat in camp! Today we learned about the many different names for the city of Yerushalayim. Please make sure to take a look at our “More Pictures” album every day for bonus photos from all around camp! FRIDAY MIFKAD All…
Today was a packed Friday in camp! Please CLICK HERE to view our videos from this summer. Last night we had a blast in the Chadar Ochel! CHADAR OCHEL CONCERT Everyone was up on benches singing songs of Yerushalayim with a special guest performance by…
Today we learned about the importance of water in Jerusalem throughout history and in modern times. During the time of Chizkiyahu, when Yerushalayim was under siege, Chizkiyahu built a long underground tunnel which led from the city to the water source. This was important because…
Camp is starting to look and feel like Jerusalem, our “Birah” (capitol city), from the flags and decorations around camp to the music playing between peulot. We are all excited for tonight’s Opening Tochnit to introduce this year’s theme of Moshevet Yerushalayim! Please click…
We are so happy to see smiling faces back up at Camp Moshava for another amazing summer! Click on each title of an album below to view pictures. Please check back every day for new pictures! BUSES 1 BUSES 2 BUSES 3