Tzevet Hadrachah

I sit here on the bus home, and yet again, I find myself crying. For the past two years I have been a part of Tzevet Hadrachah, and both times I have left camp in tears. I’m not gonna pretend that being a counselor is easy, or that my campers were perfect and never had problems because anyone who works in a camp knows that that is just not true. However, no matter how hard it gets it is probably one of the best things I will ever get to do. There is no feeling like making your camper smile. There is no feeling like getting the chance to teach your campers Torah. There is no feeling like being a דוגמה אישית. There is no feeling like helping your campers grow every day, and creating a positive atmosphere. When people ask me what it’s like to be a counselor I say that every day I go to bed exhausted, but it’s the best exhaustion in the world. Its the exhaustion of knowing that you have positively impacted someone’s day. I wanted to thank all of you for this opportunity. Bezrat Hashem I hope to see you all next year,

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245 Navajo Road
Honesdale, PA 18431

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